Fiji Day 25: Home!
After a wonderful conference, the only thing more wonderful is coming home!
However, getting ready to get on a plane is never a picnic for me. I hate the hurry and desparation of trying to fit everything in a suitcase...and have it not be above the allowed weight. Even though the hotel knew how many people needed a ride to the airport on their shuttle, those in charge seemed surprised that we didn't all fit...(by 5 people!)
BUT, we got to the airport and we all checked one had to pay excess baggage! We saw the PNG staff off with hugs and promises to see them soon. And then it was our turn.
It's always a relief to be seated in a home-bound more deadlines, no more good-byes, just hellos ahead! There's plenty of time to relive highlights of those 3 1/2 weeks in my head as we wing our way back to Auckland. God truly has done wonderful things. (We experienced greater vision, unity, teaching, inspiration, and expectancy of seeing God work as the new University year begins.)
Thank you so much for being with us on this journey. We appreciate your interest and prayers and partnership more than you'll ever know! YAHOO!!!!!
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