Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fiji Regional Conference - Day 12: "Island Rain"

Thunder and rain...warm, wet, soaking rain.

rain from the gutter
After class the sky bucketed down.  No standing on the curb to catch a taxi and that point.  Dan, of course, was content to work on visa problems for the ministry via his notebook.  I had no electronic devices, no novel, no textbook.  (I left the big textbook at home and figured I'd do the required reading there.)

Others were in the air-conditioned conference room, working on their homework from the bible study class.  Dan, as a TA for my theology class, didn't have a class to study for, so he worked on his ever-present PNG ministry details that needed attention.  I preferred to sit with Dan under the covered porch, idly watching the rain.  Conversation was not an option.  Who could hear with the pounding of rain on the tin roof?  The breeze felt good.  Someone was cooking upstairs and good aromas were wafting towards me.

Sometimes it's good just to enjoy the moment.

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