PNG Easter Conference: Day 1: "The Longest Day!"
The alarm went off at 2:45 am. My mind slowly started kicking in with all to be done before catching the shuttle to the airport at changing the bed for our house-and-dog-sitters. (Who changes a bed at 3 in the morning? Ah...the glamour of missionary life!)
We made it to the airport and went to the ticket counter...UH OH! Big trouble. Dan picked up his passport when we hurried out the door... and also Laurie's, not mine. There was just enough time for Dan to catch a taxi, race home, collect the correct passport, and make it back to the airport and to me, waiting with the luggage. (We even had a little time left over for a hurried McDonald's breakfast before jumping on the plane.)
Leaving is always hard for me, emotionally, physically, mentally...and I wonder if God has the right person for the job. (I'm giving 3 devotional talks at the conference and they're in a pretty fuzzy condition in my mind at the moment.) I always feel inadequate and torn.
Ah...but arriving is another story. We got off the plane about 13 hours after waking up in New Zealand, and it was just after lunchtime in Papua New Guinea. Breathing in the hot, humid, tropical air felt familiar and homelike. My island self came to the fore and I am now arrived, body and spirit. (Tired, yes, but arrived.)
My confidence begins to trickle back, that our big, majestic God can do anything He wants...even use the likes of me.
Awww I'm so sorry leaving was so stressful! I had no idea! If we had been here we could have taken you all to the airport. We are giving Macy doggy lots of love and cuddles while you're away. We love her! Glad to hear you felt at home upon arriving and praying for your time there! Love, Annie