PNG Sept. Day 3: "Training"
Today I sat in the training that our 2 STINT (Short Term INTernationals) girls are running for 2 PNG staff, Lillian and Elton.

To start today's training, Danika & Emily (you can see pictures of them in the previous post), had Elton at one desk make as many paper dogs as possible while blindfolded (and given no instructions).
Lillian, on the other hand, was not blindfolded and she had a book with word instructions and diagrams to show her how to make them. The point was that if we want to do an excellent job (and not frustrate ourselves & others in the process), we need to have instruction that's easy to follow (training). As you can imagine, Lillian's were very nice... but Elton's were actually very creative (and he made more).
Sometimes, without training we can do very nice ministry - but if we want excellence, we need training - instructions, teaching, and modeling (MAWLing).
Thanks for helping to make this ministry possible through your finances & prayers!
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