Friday, February 7, 2014

PNG/Aussie Project – Day 4: “Talking, listening, and learning (for 9 hours)”

Sharing about our ministry & weaknesses with the Aussies

Today was very exciting!  We woke up and all had Quiet Times together (men with men & ladies with ladies) and then had 2 hours of training, 2 hours for lunch (we had to walk into Boroko town), 2 hours of sharing about the ministry by our PNG staff & students, and 2 more hours of training.  It was a long time sitting, but excellent stuff!

John (Aussie leader) & Greg (PNG staff)
I was so impressed with our staff & students after lunch.  They were very honest and some discouraging things started to come out.  I had hoped that they would share their frustrations or the frustrations of their disciples (& disciples’ disciples), and they did.  The Aussies were very good at being patient and asking good questions.  At one point, when Isaac (SL President) was sharing, he stopped and said “I hadn’t actually realized this before” (at his own comments).

Sharing with ourselves about how today went
After dinner we (PNGers) got together by ourselves and shared what we thought of today and I told them that I was real proud of how they were honest in their sharing.  They were thrilled also for how the sharing went and at discovering some of our biggest needs (like how hard it is to get the students involved to commit themselves, even when their disciples are depending on them).  By the end of our time, they were getting very excited about the coming year, saying things like “this is going to be a very significant year”!

Shei & Heidi with Lillian (PNG staff in middle)

Tomorrow we go on campus for most of the day and only have 2 hours of training before dinner.
Thanks for praying!  We appreciate it and so do the 100’s of students who they will impact this year - even though they don’t know it yet :-)!

Sorry for the delay in posting this - I had Internet problems.

1 comment:

Please let us know what you think of what we just wrote.