Tuesday, February 4, 2014

UPNG - Aussie Project - Day 2: "Welcome First-Year students!"

Tomorrow the students & staff from Australia arrive.  But today, we welcomed the new students ("Freshmen") who are coming to UPNG.  The students paid their fees, and then passed by our tables on their way into the hall for orientation.  Several batches of students (groups of 100 maybe) went past us - and when they came out, there we were again.

We gave away 465 1st-year gift packs
Our goal with Student Life, was to offer them a gift pack containing some fun items, a devotional, a JESUS Film DVD (with 8 PNG & Solomon Island languages), and a brochure that explains what Student Life is.  There is a card in there that they were encouraged to fill out and put in a red box - those that do will be invited to a party in 3 weeks where we tell more about Student Life (and give the Gospel) and give them opportunities to join a follow-up group which could turn into a discipleship group.  I'll share more about that when the day comes.

The students we very pleasant and most took a packet.  The numbers were very low and the many students said that they had to buy their own airplane ticket to get to Port Moresby (the university mails out tickets, but were late sending them.

There will be many students who will be coming late - we'll find them when the Aussies come :-).  In total we gave away 465 gift packs!  Please be praying that many will turn their cards in so that we can talk to them further!

Lillian, Eva, and Greg

After the morning at the University, I took the staff and our Student Life President out for lunch.  We talked about the project starting tomorrow and how several of our students aren't here (in Port Moresby) yet.  This is very worrying because I don't want them to miss out on the great things that the Aussie students will be doing.  These are top student leaders, and they will only be in the country for 12 days.  PLEASE pray that they all come.  We're praying for 10 of them!

Isaac, Elton, and some white guy :-)

It's late and I'm going to bed.  It's going to be wild starting tomorrow!  :-)


  1. Praying for you! Thanks for emailing a link to the blog--read everything posted here now. Thanks for all the updates! Really interesting, will pray for God's work through you! Bless you! Nancy Neumann


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