Thursday, April 25, 2019

PNG Easter Conference Trip : "A Step Back!"

I'm finally feeling better.  (Getting sick right when you're supposed to be at your best is a bit of a challenge.)

I decided today that I need to take an emotional step back and just enjoy walking with God today.  It's so easy to get caught up in what we're suppose to accomplish on these trips (a seemingly impossible list of tasks to perform) when, bottom line, if our staff are experiencing joy in walking with God and encouraging others to do the same, everything will be alright.  I best be an example of that.

I need to enjoy walking with God, not comparing myself to the other missionaries at this guest house.  (It feels as though others have their act together and understand the culture here more than me.)

I need to enjoy walking with God with wonder in my heart at what He wants me to do, and what He wants me to discover.  By nature, I'm the sort of person who likes things clear cut and achievable...but there's nothing "by the book" in PNG.  And, I'm in a job that works with people...also not a "by the book" type of thing.  When under stress I need to remind myself to relax my grip on trying to force circumstances around me.  Look up, Kaylynn.  God isn't worried.  He's holding my hand.  Enjoy the walk!


  1. Thank you for sharing so honestly.

  2. Great insight, Kaylynn! I resemble those comments. I experience those types of emotions even here in the USA. It's good to loosen up and enjoy God, rather than to be stressed about all we have to accomplish in a day. Love you both!

  3. I don't think there's anything by the book when we work with people. Great reminder to be attune to God and "relax my grip". Thanks for sharing!


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