Sunday, June 16, 2013

PNG Mission Project Day 6: Day of rest

We had the first of our daily group quiet times this morning. We were supposed to start @ 6, but didn't get started until 6:25 - mainly because the sun didn't come up until after 6:25.  But we had a very good time.   We focused on the importance of meeting personally with God everyday (waiting, seeking, being silent).

I then had my "shower" by 1) drawing water 3-4 times to fill a bucket - see photos of Isaac, 2) take the bucket to the bath  "room" (an outdoor room made of wood & tin sheets, & 3) scoop water from bucket & repeatedly pour over my soapy self multiple times. The water temp was nice - slightly cooler than Luke warm :-)

We had a great time in church this morning.  There were things that were supposed to do that we had no idea we were to do them, but we eventually figured it out. I (&our staff & students) dressed up with a nice shirt & shoes, the church leaders dressed up with a mentor & bare feet - oh well.  

When we got there there were already a large group of young people & children standing up front singing songs - it was great! These were the same people who danced for us yesterday - I didn't recognise them without their colours and feathers :-)  Then they put those of us who were speaking at the very front facing the congregation. I gave my testimony, then had our 2 staff men give their's, then I preached.  Afterwards our whole project went outside first & then the whole church emptied out one by one and shook our hands :-)

After lunch we had our team time and then went swimming in the ocean - it was great!  Elton (staff) & Isaac (uni student) jumped in with me, but tired of "wave bashing" way before I did - I lasted 1 hr 15 min :-)

This evening (after dark @ about 6) we strung up the movie screen & showed the Jesus Film for many in the village.

Here are some pictures in random order (I'm posting with my phone). There is one photo of Elton pretending to ring the church "bell" :-)


  1. What a full day! I'm glad there's lots of village people of mixed ages.

  2. Yes, it was a lot of fun! And it seems to be a healthy church - the elders & leaders seem to be strong in the Lord & teachable.

  3. But the hand shaking at the end started to really bother me because it reminded me of shaking 800 hands at George's funeral last year :-(


Please let us know what you think of what we just wrote.