Saturday, February 23, 2013

PNG (Feb) Day 3 & 4: Forming Discipleship Groups

Hello again! We call Papua New Guinea the Land of the Unexpected, that has been true this week! The people part of my trip (the eternal part) is going great... but the tech part has been a real struggle :-(  After having great difficulty getting Internet (for myself and for the office), my computer crashed [As far as I can tell, it's the mother board since it's not the RAM or the hard disk]. So I'm writing this from my phone - yahoo, my phone works!

On Thursday, my 3rd day here, we spent a lot of time with the uni student leaders from last year to form the first three generations of discipleship groups. Many students have come up to our staff saying that they are excited about this year and want to seriously build their disciples!  Here's a chart (somewhere on this page) showing some of the groups already formed.  After talking with most of the 18 group leaders, we have about 38 students wanting to be discipled this year! This is very exciting!  Yay.

We've also been planning our Alpha Party for Saturday (day 5, tonight) when the first-year students arrive. So please pray about that!  And pray for wisdom as we pull them into groups, and for the new group leaders to see God's faithfulness!

Well, I'm off to see the staff & help them finish preparing for the Alpha Party tonight - and I promise that I'll take pictures :-)



  1. Aww I'm sorry your computer broke =( but that chart is exciting! I've been praying that lots of people decide to come to the alpha night! Hope it went well!

  2. Thanks for praying! Yes the chart is very exciting and it helps the students know that they are a part of a larger movement. Jasmine redrew the chart for the Alpha Party and already it needs to be updated - that's a good thing :-)


Please let us know what you think of what we just wrote.