Thursday, April 17, 2014

PNG Easter - Day 3 (of 11)

We only have 2 more days until our training conference starts.

I was talking to the guy sharing my room last night, about how we don't want to be event oriented - instead, we want to be movement oriented.  He said, "you want to do ministry without events?".  I said, "no, we want to focus on helping our students know how share their faith and disciple someone from being a new believer to the point of being able to train others how to train others in ministry - then we use the events to accelerate that.  We have a weekly meeting (called "Splash") that is designed to accelerate the discipleship movement on campus.  And we have this conference to take each student (usually around 65-80 of them) to the next level of leadership.  And having it in the nice hotel (Grand Papua), helps make this weekend significant for the students.  [Thanks for the ministry partners who helped make this possible!]
The T-shirt screen, designed by our staff guys

Every year at this conference we print shirts for everyone that illustrates the theme.  This year's theme is "Splash" (like the name of our weekly meeting).  Each of us is only one person, but we can make a splash that causes ripples to go way beyond the university, and way beyond Papua New Guinea. The back of the shirt says, "In the Stillness of Passivity" - which means that while the world around us is stuck in passivity ("whatever"), we will make a splash ("rock their boat).

Greg painting the wave (the splash)
We all wear our shirts on Saturday when we go down to the beach (5 minute walk from the hotel) and share our faith for almost 2 hours.  Where I'm from, if 80 people came strolling on the beach with the same shirt on, people would run away - but here, it attracts attention and people ask about the shirt.  It also helps the people we talk to know that what we have to say is important because there are so many of us that believe it.

The finished product!  [Greg & Eva]
This afternoon I helped the guys finish painting the shirts.  They did most of the work while I hung them up to dry.

Hey, nice hanging job :-)

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