Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fiji Day 5: On the offense!

All right.  I'm tired of being a human banquet for some cheeky mosquito and all his friends and family!  I look like I have the chicken pox.

Do you remember how this device works, you Mills kids?

Tonight I'm pluggin' this baby in!

(The device plugs into the wall, a small metal plate heats up, and the pad on top emits a pest dissuader of some sort.)

Oh...and here's a picture of our bedroom/study where we do our homework.  (You'll have my renewed sympathy, Laurie, when your classwork begins!) I'm learning lots...and learning how much more I need to learn!  AND  I have a good-lookin' "study-buddy!"


  1. Man, I could smell the smell the instant I saw the picture of your all too familiar 'pest dissuader'. Glad you have such a good-lookin study partner. =) It must be fun doing that together.

  2. I can smell it too hahaha I remember studying... I'm sure its nice studying together rather than working if out on your own =)

  3. Yes, it's very nice working together in the same class - learning the same things, doing the same assignments until 11 pm together, yet the Bible passage we are dissecting is different - so we don't cheat off each other :-)


Please let us know what you think of what we just wrote.