Saturday, January 12, 2013

Fiji Day 9: Going On An Adventure!

Koli organized Joe Fire to take our PNG team on a bus tour this afternoon.  It was great fun riding in a bus through different villages.

  We came to a river and exchanged our bus for two motorized boats.  Even though boat rides were scary to me in the Solomons (on the sea,) these river boats weren't far from shore and the water wasn't too deep...and I really enjoyed it.  (Greg stood up in their boat the whole time, like he does in PNG.)

 After a fun and refreshing journey down the river, we got out and walked down the road to meet our bus, which had driven around to pick us up.  As we walked towards it, we passed an old man sitting in front of his village house.  It turns out Joe had led him to the Lord years ago and we got to shake his hand  (and the hands of his grandkids.)

The bus took us to a beach where we had a photo frenzy for 15 minutes, then we returned home via the market where we bought some coconuts to drink. (A first!  I saw Elton crack open a few coconut open with his elbow!)

It was a very satisfying day off!


  1. FYI: The picture of Eva & Kaylynn running away - they were running away from the paparazzi!! The 4 girls in a row are two of our PNG staff girls (in turquoise & orange), one Fijian new staff member (in purple), and Gail on the right. Gail is George & Eva's daughter and has 3 mores left of high school. The "old man" was led to Christ by Joe in 1985 - and he told us that he was considering committing suicide when Joe came to visit him in the hospital!

  2. That boat ride looks like just what I need right now! :-) that's an amazing story about Joe - gotta love how God works :-)


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