Friday, January 23, 2015

Fiji Regional Conference - Day 14: "Studying!"

The end of this week's class draws nigh.  Things are due, readings must be finished.  And we just learned that one member of our group didn't have a textbook for his class.  (No wonder he was falling behind!)

Most of our group at this house are taking the Bible study methods class...and they felt the need for Dan to help them with a group study session.  Sitting around the dinner table, we decided as soon as we were done we'd re-group and bring books to the table and "have-at-it!" -----Then the electricity went out!

At McDonald's
No electricity meant no lights, no computers, no group study session.


We packed up and headed down our drive to troop to the Golden Arches.  (Who knew if we could plug in computers, but hey, ice cream was more on my mind.)  As we headed down the drive, the electricity came back on...lights lit, voices called out, "It's on!"  But, it's hard to stop a moving train (heading for ice cream.)  We decided on studying an hour at Mac's and then continue on back at home.

When we returned home, we noticed the light over the kitchen table looked very dim and there was a resident sleeping on the floor in the nearby lounge (living room), so once again we "flexed."  We brought chairs from the kitchen to our room upstairs, and everyone got down to wrestling through the assignments.  I moved from my chair to my bed about 10:30, but Dan and the others kept going until late. 
Lillian, Lore, Elton, Dan
Lillian and Kaylynn
Lore (from our Guam ministry)

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