Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Twelve Days of PNG - Day 6: "A Hard Day at the Office!"

In the early morning, Dan led our team in a great devotional about being men and women after God's heart.  Later in the day, we had occasion to talk about walking the path God has laid out for us.  God doesn't promise a "comfortable" life...just the opposite.

Having to bring up hard topics with someone isn't comfortable, and hearing hard topics isn't comfortable.  Moving forward from a hard place isn't always comfortable.  BUT...There is comfort, there is peace, and there is joy to be found in running to Jesus in our discomfort.  Eventually there's a bend in the road and the path eases. 

 But, at the end of the day, we're tired after a hard day at the office.


Please let us know what you think of what we just wrote.